Tuesday, February 16, 2010


"That's quite the nice suit you have there, sir," said the man as he reached out of his holding cell, trying to latch onto the shining gold chain attached to a golden pocket-watch, polished so well you could see a zit on the tip of your nose in the reflection from it. The greasy man in the cell wretched back as the man in the suit turned toward his cell.

"It's time," said the man in the suit as he opened up the cell and got out a striaght-jacket. "You're going to be let go, son." The man in the cell jumped up, but had to be careful. He was wearing just a paper gown and the man in the suit might find out what was under the gown if he got too excited. The filthy man walked out, accompanied by the man in the suit, they walked at a brisk pace down the hall, seeing other "humans" covered in the same greasy, filthy substance as the man.

When they turned the corner everything seemed to happen so fast. The man saw the door and ran for it, at the same time he dropped the thing he was trying to hide under his robes. The man in the suit quickly snatched the item and opened the door for the man eagerly waiting to get past.

"Have a seat, we have to do a few tests before we do anything else." Said the man in the suit and he walked out of the room. The man ran to the seat and sat down, and that's when he realized he didn't have the item anymore. He rushed back to the algae-covered door, only to find it was lost. He tried to search around on the floor of the dimly-lit room but was unable to find anything before the evil man walked in.

"Alright Mr. McCarthy, are you ready to begin the tests? Have a seat please." The man shirked back, he hadn't heard that name since he got sent to this place, but he'd have to start getting used to it more now that he was going to be out in the real world again! "Do you mind if I call you Ian, sir?" asked the doctor.

"S-s-sure, I s-s-suppose you can." siad Ian as he took a seat. The man started taking out needles and clamps and pokers and prodders and scalpels and anything else you could imagine a doctor would use. Ian shirked back as the man came to him with a needle filled with bright pink liquid, everything was starting to go black.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. You'll be out soon enough." The doctor's voice faded out and Ian was suddenly jerked awake just as soon as the doctor finished.

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